Nothing beats a decent pair of leather Oxford shoes if it’s refinement and contemporary elegance you’re after. Simultaneously sophisticated and comfy, men’s Oxford shoes are as classy as Derbies, and an unbeatable addition to any guy’s casual wardrobe, giving you an instant style injection and elevating your outfits. Oxford shoes in black leather feel streamlined and comfortable, especially when paired with a rubber sole. Understated and pared-back without ever feeling irrelevant, our Oxford shoes for men come in a huge range of different styles and colours.

How to wear your Oxfords?

If you’re office-based, you’ll love a good pair of lace Oxford shoes worn with a suit to keep things streamlined and simple. Try patent leather Oxford shoes to crank up the elegance, too.

With their classy rounded toes and laces, Oxford brogue shoes offer a genuine classic look that can always be jazzed up. Add an original twist with styles that feature a wide strap and double metal buckle, or topstitched toes.

A well-made pair of smooth leather black Oxford shoes will last you years and work with just about everything you already have in your wardrobe. Pair with slim-fit pants and a shirt for a sophisticated feel, or go for a more trend-led look by pairing brown Oxford shoes with jeans and a polo shirt.

In the mood for something a little more relaxed? Work blue suede Oxfords with rubber soles with chinos or jeans for guaranteed comfort and elegance.

Just like our men's Derby shoes, our men’s Oxford shoes are the gift that keeps on giving, working well with jeans and suits alike, whether you prefer leather or suede. Our advice? Don’t think twice!

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